Isolation Gown with Protective Plastic Film, Poly-Coated, Disposable, Blue, Universal

Isolation Gown with Protective Plastic Film, Poly-Coated, Disposable, Blue, Universal
Supplied By: Jorgensen Labs (J0737)
Unit of
Measure 50 Count
Type Box
Qty 1
This isolation and barrier gown is poly-coated with thin film of protective plastic for fluid repellency. The spread of highly contagious diseases is a real threat in the veterinary hospital. All hospital personnel should wear isolation gowns to help reduce disease transmission when dealing with a contagious patient. Disposable Surgery Gowns are classified as: Regular Procedure Gown: Sontara or SMS fabric with no extra reinforcing or fluid resistant panels. Extended Procedure Gown: Sontara or SMS fabric with plastic panels in the chest area and sleeves. In addition, gowns can have an open back or a wrap-around with covered back. Open back gowns are cheaper because of less material, but obviously offer less coverage. Most gowns are either large or extra-large.
- Blue with elastic wrist cuffs
- Universal size, full length with ties
- Disposable
- 50/case
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