Rapidvet-D DTM (Dermatophyte) Test

Rapidvet-D DTM (Dermatophyte) Test
Supplied By: DMS Labs (RAPIDVET-D)
Unit of
Measure 10 Count
Type Box
Qty 50
RapidVet-D uses a proprietary differential reaction substrate. It enables the target organisms to metabolize various nutrients and produce alkaline metabolic substances much faster than the Sabouraud or Taplin medium – typically within 4 days. It also more aggressively suppresses the metabolism of other organisms that would normally also cause the pH indicator to change color.
The length of time required for the target organisms to cause the color change is less than the length of time during which the growth of other organisms is suppressed. Thus, a color change, or absence thereof can statistically be considered an indication of the presence or absence of dermatophytes in the sample.
- Clears chronic yeast otitis
- Very low incidence of stinging
- Safe for use with a ruptured tympanum
- No antibiotics/steroids
- Safe/effective for long term maintenance
- No interference with allergy testing
- Resolves itching
- Scent free
- Calms, clears, and restores problems ears
- Not oily/greasy
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